Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

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Toyobo Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “Toyobo Textile”) is highly conscious of the importance of personal information. To allow you to use the Toyobo Textile Website with confidence, we have established the following policy to safeguard your personal information. It does not apply to domestic affiliated companies, overseas affiliated companies, and links from the Toyobo Textile Website. We ask that you contact the company in question concerning the policies of affiliated companies and links.

1. What is Personal Information

Any information Toyobo Textile requests from Toyobo Textile Website users that could be used to identify individual users, including but not limited to address, name, age, telephone number and e-mail address.

2. Safeguarding Personal Information

Toyobo Textile is responsible for the security of personal information under our Protection of Personal Information.
To ensure the security of users’ personal information, Toyobo Textile strives to prevent unauthorized access, leaks, or loss of personal information.

3. Use of Personal Information

In requesting personal information from users, we shall clearly specify the use for which the information is requested, and the information shall be used only as specified. Users always have the option of refraining from providing the personal information requested. However, this may limit our ability to provide services through the Toyobo Textile Website.

4. Disclosure to Third Parties

Except as stipulated below, Toyobo Textile shall not release users’ personal information to third parties.

5. Changes in Registration Information

Requests to change, confirm, correct or delete the personal information voluntarily provided to Toyobo Textile shall be honored only after Toyobo Textile has confirmed that the requestor is the party concerned or his authorized representative.

6. Changes in Our Privacy Policy

Toyobo Textile shall review and amend the abovementioned policy on the handling of the personal information of customers in accordance with relevant legislative amendments.

7. Miscellaneous

Refer to the following link for Toyobo Group’s policy for protection of personal information: